6 x red stems and 6 x white stems of roses mixed together in a glass vase with mixed greenery.
In the event that any of the roses are unavailable, our florist will call to inform you.
Mixed leaves are subject to availability
Vase size and style may vary
Joyful Love design has 40 stems of red roses with mixed greenery presented in a gold glass vase It makes the perfect gift for any occasion. In the event that...
Glass Vase Arrangements includes: Roses, tropical leaves, lilies, preserved hydrangea, preserved amaranthus and phalaenopsis orchid Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable,...
White and red rose arranged in cylinder box Flowers and foliage's are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the roses are unavailable, our florist will call to inform...